Welcome to EMCLAB Instruments GmbH


The manufacturing of laboratory instruments and its quality assurance is top priority at EMCLAB Instruments. Therefore, we are ISO 9001:2015 and 13485:2016 certified. The core business are our UV/VIS spectrophotometers, which we manufacture since 2013. Innovation is of importance to us and therefore we are working on the new EMC-NANO 2. This instrument is able to measure a sample volume of 0.2 – 2.5 μl, as well as standard cells. Moreover, we are developing a new PC Software for more flexible and simple use of the instruments. EMCLAB Instruments wants to be your partner for laboratory instruments. To insure customer satisfaction we offer workshops for the right use of our instruments and also an after-sale service.



EMCLAB Instruments Products

  • UV/VIS Spectrophotometers

The single and double beam spectrophotometers are our flagship products. We offer different models as well as optional and maintenance equipment.
Having your spectrophotometer checked and calibrated regularly by a trained service partner with certified reference material, ensures high quality performance of the indtrument and reliable results.

As manufacturer EMCLAB Instruments offers a wide range of UV/VIS Spectrophotometers single and double beam with extended on-board software, as well as an extended PC software. EMCLAB spectrophotometers are always supplied with a calibration certificate which is based on DAkkS reference materials and NIST traceable. Qualified service partners offer an excellent after-sales service for all EMCLAB products.

We offer several variations of spectrophotometers:

ModelOptical SystemWavelength RangeBandwidth
EMC-11D-V Single Beam 325-1000 nm 4 nm
Single Beam 325-1000 nm 4 nm
EMC-11S-UV Single Beam 200-1100 nm 4 nm
EMC-11-UV Single Beam 200-1100 nm 4 nm
EMC-18S-UV Single Beam 190-1100 nm 2 nm
EMC-61PC-UVDouble Beam 190-1100 nm 1.8 nm
EMC-61PCS-UVDouble Beam - variable bandwidths 190-1100 nm0.5/1/2/4/5 nm
EMC-NANO-UV Single Beam 0.2 ~ 2.5 µl 190-1100 nm 4 nm

Spectrophotometer – Single Beam


Spectrophotometer, single beam, Wavelength 190-1100 nm, Bandwidth 2 nm, PC-Software


  • Color TFT screen
  • Self-check system
  • Auto setting wavelength
  • Auto Zero and Blank
  • Sample compartment for different cell holders
  • Save the results
  • Up to 200 methods & 100 standard curves can be stored
  • Incl.PC-Software




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